„I had a unique and pleasant experience stepping into Adrian’s studio for a photo shooting and video session. I greatly appreciated the fact that Adrian responded promptly to my inquiries and has been tremendously accommodating, helpful, warm and entertaining. A great host, a true professional passionate for his art and people alike and a charming story-teller, who knows how to get the best shot, while at the same time makes you feel at ease. I left the studio wishing the session was a bit longer – nearly 3 hours literally flew by – and wishing to return for a second photo shooting in the near future.
I am happy to have found you in Iasi, Adrian! Thank you for your energy, guidance, continuous support past the allocated time for the photo session and for a wonderful collection of professional photographs for my portfolio!” Cati
Fiecare dintre noi are o misiune. Și oricât de mult ți-ai dori să te abați de la ea, Dumnezeu mereu te repune pe calea cea dreaptă. Misiunea mea este să ofer bucurie și dragoste prin fotografie și prin experiența pe care o vom avea împreună.
Studio foto Iași. La această ședință foto Ecaterina a optat pentru Pachetul Studio Foto+ 60-100 fotografii / 60-90 minute / 150 euro și au fost livrate 60 fotografii retușate si un clip video