Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile


I am a highly experienced Fullstack Developer (6+ years) with demonstrated expertise with top notch clients such as Balenciaga, Saint Laurent or Alexander Mc Queen. Over the last years, I have tailored my experience towards mastering React, React Native, Node.js but I also digged into full scope delivery including infrastructure and backend.

If you think my help could help your organisation or you need a complete website delivery, drop a me a message and we can discuss all the details!”

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotografie portret Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at studio foto video Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at foto Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf studio Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at studio foto Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at studio foto video Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at foto Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotografie portret Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Profile photos for skilled freelancer in web solutions for Web and Mobile - Dan Diaconu - at fotograf studio Iasi - Adrian Moisei

Author Adrian Moisei

Împreună putem realiza amintiri pentru o viață. Aceasta este cea mai mare bucurie pentru mine. Fotografiile realizate sunt despre voi, pentru voi! Am studiat fotografie & design la Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu” Iași și sunt membru al Uniunii Artiștilor Plastici din România.

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